A gift that you give to yourself when you entertain at home!
On a warm summer's evening, dining on our veranda at Fox Hall (c.1803) is simply magical!
Stuart and I adore entertaining, and our goal has always been to have a jolly time while catching up with our darling friends. We share stories and laugh the night away over dinner. “Friends are a gift you give yourself!”
I truly savor the preparation before a dinner party, from arranging the flowers, deciding the menu and setting the table, to cooking the dinner. While as time-consuming as it is to cook, it is my way of showing my love to our precious friends and family; I am grateful to be able to do this. That being said, Stuart also contributes by placing the appropriate glasses on the table and being in charge of the wine and libations for the event. He excels at showing “his love” with this task!
True confession: serving and cleaning up is something that I do not enjoy… who does? So, when we host an intimate party of six or more, Stuart and I have agreed that our evening is more enjoyable when we have help to serve and clean up. This was a decision we made the moment we knew we could afford it. This is “the gift we give to ourselves” so that we can be in the moment, and give our full attention to our dinner guests. Then we can relax and enjoy the evening.
For Alexandra’s 40th birthday dinner party, she invited her dear friends from her Miss Porter's School days. Sweet photographs taken from when the girls were students were arranged on the sideboard. I placed a wine decanter, filled with pink flowers at each place setting as a gift for them to take home. I still consider these girls as my “other” daughters!
A seasoned piece of advice, which I have learned through experience, is this: if you are hiring a new server for the first time, take a moment to discuss what you expect of them and how you wish them to serve. Showing an example before the party is a prudent exercise. Then, you both have an understanding and know exactly what is expected.
Here is my “short list” of what I discuss with a new server or staff after showing them around the kitchen.
Always offer a linen cocktail napkin when passing hors d’oeuvres in case someone has put their cocktail napkin down and needs another one.
Pass one-bite hors d’oeuvres to ladies first, then gentlemen. For any remaining, I instruct the server to leave the serving plate on the coffee table or a side table. This gives me the opportunity to pick it up at any time and pass the plate myself, allowing me to move around to chat with my guests.
Discuss the time table for cocktail hour and when dinner will be served.
Decide if the first course will already be placed on the table or served once the guests are seated.
Indicate where the guests of honor are seated because they are served first. And remember that the ladies are served first, then the gentlemen.
Indicate where a guest is seated that has an allergy or does not drink.
Plates and other serving dishes are served on the left side of the guests. In America, the rule of thumb is to "serve on the left."
Plates are cleared from the table on the right side of the guests. I just remember the two R's: “Remove on the Right!"
Plates are never stacked! They are removed two at a time from the table (and quietly placed in the kitchen). The woman guest of honor first, then the other ladies, and then the hostess. The gentleman guest of honor’s plate is then removed, followed by the other gentlemen, with the host being last.
Glasses are refilled on the right because their placement on the table is on the right.
(On a side note, in England, in private houses, plates are served and cleared only on the left side of the guest.)
If a dessert fork and spoon are placed at the top of the place setting, it is proper to have the server slide down the spoon to the right and the fork to the left of the guest (to the same position where the other flatware was previously placed). Decide if you want the server to do this or if you will let your guests attend to this proper dessert nuance.
Discuss if a port or a cordial is being served.
Discuss if coffee will be offered, and if yes, when and where it will be served… in the dining room or the living room?
Forbidden Faux Pas
No-No: To stack plates when clearing the table. Plates should never be stacked or scraped clean anywhere near the dining table.
What is done: Plates are cleared from the table, two at a time, three at most. They are cleaned in the kitchen and preferably not within earshot of the guests.
No-No: To leave any remaining plates, serving dishes and salt and pepper on the table when dessert is served.
What is done: When all of the courses have been served, the remaining plates, salt and pepper, serving pieces, chargers, and flatware (other than the dessert flatware) are then cleared from the table before the dessert is served.
The decanters/wine bottles and glasses can remain on the table until the dinner is over and guests move to another room.
Then, the gift to yourself is that you can go happily to bed knowing the dishes are clean, put away, and the trash is out. Sweet dreams are assured!
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