How to PROPERLY pop the cork on a bottle of bubbly! — Holly Holden

How to PROPERLY pop the cork on a bottle of bubbly!

The quintessential guide to classic interior design, elegant entertaining & a genteel lifestyle.
(formerly Mummy's Monday Manners)

How to PROPERLY pop the cork on a bottle of bubbly!

Pink champagne is traditionally served at Fox Hall… for any occasion!

When champagne is served, instantly it is a celebration!  With the tradition of serving champagne on New Year’s Eve, I thought I would pose the question: do you know how to properly pop the cork on a bottle of bubbly?  

Even though I have observed my darling husband open countless bottles, I confess I have been doing it incorrectly myself.  I always thought that the loud “POP” sound, accompanied by an enthusiastic “darting cork,” was key… wrong! 

Champagne was created in France BY accident, and if you are not careful to remove the cork correctly, you can have AN accident!  The cork, if not removed properly, can release, like a dangerous projectile, a flying bullet.  The pressure behind a champagne cork is approximately 90 psi, equivalent to three times the pressure in a car tire. What is the secret and safe method of popping the cork? Twist the bottle, NOT the cork! 

Here is how to properly remove a cork from a bottle of champagne:

FIRST: Be sure the bottle is chilled, preferably to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.  If the bottle is NOT cold enough, the cork can release even more quickly because of the pressure inside the bottle. (A bottle of champagne at room temperature has more pressure, which creates a bigger pop and more effervescent spray, than a chilled bottle!)

SECOND: Dry the bottle and hold it at a 45-degree angle.

THIRD: Untwist the wire cage counterclockwise with approximately six twists, and lift the cage off the cork, while also keeping pressure on the cork. 

FOURTH: Twist the bottom of the bottle, not the cork!  Keep pressure on the cork with your hand, and pull the bottle down as you twist it.  By twisting the bottle, you can control the release of the cork.  Twist until the cork pops. 

FIFTH: The quieter the “pop” of the cork, the more professional you are at mastering the correct technique!

Be sure to point the bottle away from anyone or anything valuable… no secret there!  Draping a folded linen napkin over the cork while removing it is another precautionary measure. 

My mother-in-law lovingly says, “Tiny bubbles taste better!”  It is always lovely to have a few chilled bottles of champagne on hand to serve for any occasion, because there is always a reason, and a season, to celebrate with champagne, right? 

Grandmillennial Tip:

Using a mixture of 50 percent water and 50 percent ice is an expedient way to quickly chill a bottle of champagne. Use this 50/50 mixture in an ice bucket and fill it about a third of the way up.  It is an elegant way to chill and serve champagne. 

Cheers to YOU!  I am most grateful for your enthusiastic support, and also to my generous sponsors.  Thank you!  I wish you a MOST bubbly 2022. May it be filled with happy celebrations! 


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